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Подооное к подобному // ЛЮди определённого харАктера, наклонностей Или сферы деятельности предпочитают Общество себе подобных. |
I liked Frank Craw1ey. 1 did not find him dull and uninteresting as Beatrice had done. Perhaps- it was because 1 was dull
myse1lf. We were both dull. We neither of us had а word to say
for ourselves. Like to like. (du Maurier)
That night, it was to1d to me, we of the Jungle did not lie down together as used to Ье our custom, but each tribe drew off Ьу itself-the pig with the pig, the deer with the deer ; horn to hom, hoof to hoof - like keeping to like, and so 1ау shaking in the Jungle. (Кipling) So in very many cases of friendship, or what passes for it, the o1d axiom is reversed, and like clings to unlike more than to like. (Dickens) And they have awfu1 arguments in а game. That is, he does. She's nice and quiet and it's а kind of mystery how they ever fell in 1ove. Though there's а saying or а proverb or something, isn't there, about like oot liking 1ike? Or is it just the other way? (Lardner) |